Sunday, December 21, 2008

Subtitling subtleties

Minha vida violenta.
Jolly Roger e Candy Apples.
Morte lenta em Nova Scotia.
Carinho rosa.
Code-switching [don't mind, don't care].
Cavalo baixo [drop crotch].

Minha frase favorita, minha vida violenta.

...loosen my dress
tie me up just like all the rest...

Friday, December 05, 2008

The Scene

Thank you for the compliment. I will assume
it is partly sincere. And soon, when I compliment
your work, I will try hard to be sincere.
Thus our relations will be cordial - thus we may be grateful
for the social scene that prompts from us these compliments.
But what I want - 
ten or eleven years from now
you stand at a window, early on a winter morning;
it is a week or a month after the death of
someone you knew well; you gaze out upon the chill stiff scene
of trees and stone walls, gray and black and gray...
admire my work then. Love it then.

[Mark Halliday]


'Tis not alone the warbling woods,
The starred abysses of the sky,
The silent hills, the stormy floods,
The green that fills the eye - 
These only do not move the breast;
Like some wise artist, Nature gives,
Through all her works, to each that lives
A hint of somewhat unexprest.

Whate'er I see, where'er I move,
These whispers rise, and fall away,
Something of pain - of bliss - of Love,
But what, were hard to say .
I could not tell it: if I could
Yet every form of mind is made
To vary in some light or shade
So were my tale misunderstood.

[A. Tennyson]