Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Elegy To My Son Or What You Will

Scoot, kid, in any juvenile contraption, please
impart your light to my understanding of the world.
Yours are the funny hours, the funny job and some bad ideas
still young and drunk and to bed not long after ten or eleven.
I am so dumb. Cowboy of old swaying a hat, cornered calf
my world's under mist, loving razors, no dreams of any sort
the handkerchief is a traveling bag, all mouth is the bartender
dramatizing the meanings of nature - the poor fool is hanged
While little bunnies turn guns on themselves. Go play,
and do not leave. sorry to bother you fatherly ghost,
das nachtgespenst! To this day still, I am amazed and hidden.

Thursday, February 03, 2011


School door to summer days,
being ridiculously transparent
in the actual tones of speech -
seraphic shit, hero of gist.
Your consciousness and me.
When others are sleeping
believing the lies we rue, tiptoe
for we mean unseen beauty
and rapture in a garden of weed
rivaling our own words.
To this day, on the outskirts
of my body rich with moronic
ideas of two, the longest spoon
floats in tar colored themes and
variations of your piano lessons,
and for a long Nantucket minute
everything is celebrated in secrecy.