Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weird Sisters

a treasure taken,
by ghosts
is time told.
the walls bare
the inside of
rooms also
tell things.
the things gone
by chance
a You, an I.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Cloudy turbulence, berceuse coming
out of this lacquered beast, a roof.
Wanted me happy before the leave,
that bushy bearded sir. It's him.
fled my country at dawn calmly
still peculiar to me.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Do the words "You are gold" mean anything to you
Let them ring on and let's not talk at all
Let's leave it there and move on. Hey, what's wrong
Do the words "The end" mean anything to you
Inmates of heartache are killing with love
Never succeeding in killing that love
Far aways from hello comes distance
But don't come unless you disappear
These are the things that matter most
Saving love whatever the cost
Just because you don't see it doesn't make it unreal
I am captive unto thee, set us free
Do the words "I know" do anything to you?

[A. R.]

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

From To Place

Ice cold water without any ice
there and not wanted, spent January
full glass in hand, sounding like sigh
corridor, door, rows of bed, if any
in Cowfuck, Nowhere.

Clock without hands
tic and not toc, masturbates
the boy scene, translating as youth
verses, one after the other
cum sweetly in bed.

Reticent sailor exciting envy,
impenetrable even to sharp teeth
tiresome like never before, a dialogue
lisped, carved, scrimshaw
in the wrong ivory bone