Saturday, August 30, 2008

Random rant

I remember school days were lasting
I remember cocaine having me in a murk
I remember felling like plastic
And being misunderstood for my quirks
I remember seeing gold rings
The night of my second wedding
I remember you standing next
to my deathbed as you whispered
to my ear of your remembrances
And how they were all strangely
related to me

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A tailor-made coffin

Your eyes begin to tire.
Your head sits on this greasy pillow
[Your hair is weeping, little]
Should I have fought?

Room service knocks
[interrupts the tacit thoughts]
There was so much happiness
Behind the doors of that mini-bar

How do things get this far
To a point where to sleep is to lie
And to lay is to die.
Only years will mar

Your weeping hair
And your complexion
[apart from the fact that you're dead]
Never that fair

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mike Mills [fireworks]

when i'm done
i'll cock my gun
and blood will run
like ribbons on my hair...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh, if Brecht was Italian...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Estes cortes cegos e outros afiados

Meine herren, mit siebzehn jahren
Kam ich auf den liebesmarkt
Und ich habe viel erfahren
Böses gab es viel
Doch das war das spiel
Aber manches hab ich doch verargt
[Schlieblich bin ich ja auch ein mensch]

Freilich geht man mit den jahren
Leichter auf den liebesmarkt
Und umarmt sie dort in scharen
Aber das gefühl
Wird erstaunlich kühl
Wenn man damit allzuwenig kargt
[Schlieblich geht ja jeder vorrat zu ende]

Und auch wenn man gut das handeln
Lernte auf des liebermess
Lust ein kleingeld zu verwandeln
Ist doch niemals leicht
Nun es wird erreicht
Doch man wird auch älter unterdes
[Schlieblich bleibt man ja nicht immer siebzehn]

Gott sei dank geht alles schnell vorüber
Auch die liebe und der kummer sogar
Wo sind die tränen von gestern abend?
Wo ist der schnee vom vergangenen jahr?


Caros, eu tinha dezessete
quando entrei no mercado do amor
Passei por muitas coisas
Muitas delas bem escrotas
Era tudo parte do jogo
Ainda que essas coisas possam depor contra mim
[Afinal eu também sou humano]

Claro que com o passar dos anos
É mais fácil estar no mercado do amor
E recebê-los em rebanhos
Mas seus sentimentos
Esfriam de modo estranho
Quando não são racionados
[Afinal, qualquer reserva acaba, eventualmente]

Mesmo quando se aprende bem o ofício
Na feira do amor
Não é fácil fazer troco do prazer
Bem, o sucesso é possível
No entanto você envelhece
[Afinal, não se tem dezessete pra sempre]

Graças a Deus tudo acaba rápido
Tanto o amor quanto o sofrimento
Aonde estão as lágrimas de ontem?
E a neve do ano passado?

[B. Brecht - e Weill transformou em canção para Lenya no natal de 39, em Nova Iorque.]

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The lopsided truth of observations

In an argument being moderated
By David and Goliath
The audience was mainly made of Cyclops
While the panel of judges was stuck in a rut.
Were they rutting stags?
I was not sure.
Neither was I.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Wie Odysseus auf den mast des schiffes [ein wintermärchen]

The ocean presented itself
as a great black distance
separating me from
where I am.
Auf jener meer - or so I thought

I find myself not knowing
the silky way back home
and came to realize
how many porn I needed
to behave as the blade
right past the tip of your tongue.
How Jonah of me...
to live under your palate
and to think that safe i'd be...

And in my russian way
empty, shipped away
my cold corpse committed
to this frozen, glassy lake

Monday, August 04, 2008

Em. D.

Of Glory not a beam is left
But her Eternal House -
The Asterisk is for the Dead,
The Living, for the Stars -


God is indeed a jealous God - 
He cannot bear to see
That we had rather not with Him
But with each other play


The words the happy say
Are paltry melody
But those the silent feel
Are beautiful -